Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson

A radio announcer yesterday said that everyone will remember where they were when they heard Michael Jackson died. The co-announcer said, "Well ya, it was yesterday." It was only a couple of days ago but I do think I will always remember where I was when Rob told me Michael Jackson had died. He is a legend. For better or worse the whole world know who he is. I told Rob I would be interested in knowing how long it took at least one person in every city to know Michael Jackson was dead. I say about a half hour or less. With the internet news travels fast! I didn't really know who Michael Jackson was until I met Rob. I am sure I heard his music but I have never been very good with identifying people with the movies they are in or the songs they sing. I'm getting better. Michael Jackson had some really good music. He also had some really weird music. But there are a few songs Rob and I still dance to when having a romantic dinner together. I admit he really struggled personally and I feel bad for him that he could really figure things out. I think most people would agree that he needed to NOT have any plastic surgery. He looked WAY better black then white. They talked a lot on the TV about how much he was in debt. How does someone get millions of dollars in debt? Seriously? Maybe people didn't look at his credit when giving him a loan or something. They just said, "Oh you are Michael Jackson. Here is a million dollars. Pay me back when you can." That just boggles my mind. But despite all his struggles he produced some good music. My children will know his music. And just think, he will now be able to know the truth and maybe finally be able to figure things out once and for all. Thanks for the music Michael Jackson!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I'm the one person in the world who doesn't remember where they were when they heard the news of Michael Jackson. I might have been in my car, or was it when I was at the doctors office, that's the only time I see the news on t.v. Hmmm.

